Aug 9, 2016 15:14:08 GMT
Post by Admin on Aug 9, 2016 15:14:08 GMT
ERJ:n alaiset esteratsastuskilpailut - Kilpailupäivä 13.08.2016 - VIP 12.08.2016 - Vastuuhenkilönä miivi VRL-13320, sorsselis@gmail.com - Järjestyspaikkana Kisakeskus Lapland- Porrastettu/suhteutettu arvonta - Kilpailut avoinna kaikille - VRL- ja VH-tunnus ovat pakollisia - Seuraan kuuluminen ei ole pakollisia - Yksi hevonen max kahteen luokkaan ja vain kerran yhteen luokkaan - 10 hevosta ratsastaja/luokka - Yhteen luokkaan max 100 osallistujaa - Osallistu kopioimalla edellisen osallistujan osallistumislista ja lisäämällä omat osallistumisesi sen perään - Jos sinut ennen on tullut virheellinen osallistuminen, älä kopioi sitä vaan lisää itsesi edellisen oikein tehdyn osallistumisen perään - Ensimmäiselle osallistujalle: lisää kaikki luokkaotsikot, vaikka et osallistuisikaan kaikkiin luokkiin- Osallistumisesi muodossa: Ratsastaja (VRL-12345) - Hevonen VH00-000-0000 - OSALLISTUTHAN VASTA, KUN KILPAILU LÖYTYY VRL:N KALENTERISTA! Luokat1. 100cm, kansallinen taso, vt. 4 2. 110cm, kansallinen taso, vt. 5 3. 120cm, kansallinen taso (min. säkä 140cm), vt. 6 4. 130cm, kansallinen taso (min. säkä 140cm), vt. 7
Aug 10, 2016 8:27:49 GMT
Post by Mette13589 on Aug 10, 2016 8:27:49 GMT
1. 100cm, kansallinen taso, vt. 4 Mette (VRL-13589) - Ludovicus Ion VH16-010-0019 Mette (VRL-13589) - Merete Honey VH15-010-0154 Mette (VRL-13589) - Hello Ruby Wolf VH16-011-0036 Mette (VRL-13589) - Hunajaharmonia VH15-018-1263 Mette (VRL-13589) - Hunajavilperi VH15-018-2210 Mette (VRL-13589) - Claridgen Tarina VH12-018-1207 Mette (VRL-13589) - Hunajakuva VH16-018-0424 Mette (VRL-13589) - Menuett v.d. Low VH14-029-0499 Mette (VRL-13589) - Lanzo Honey VH16-029-0014 Mette (VRL-13589) - Philophobia Hexen VH13-029-0033
2. 110cm, kansallinen taso, vt. 5 Mette (VRL-13589) - Eucarya Fear VH16-012-0056 Mette (VRL-13589) - Rajattoman Kimalle VH16-018-0070 Mette (VRL-13589) - Hunajahämmennys VH15-018-1709 Mette (VRL-13589) - Castello Honey VH15-027-0284 Mette (VRL-13589) - Diane Honey VH16-029-0013 Mette (VRL-13589) - Mr. Alberto VH15-031-0589 Mette (VRL-13589) - Teresa Honey VH15-031-0740 Mette (VRL-13589) - Maserati Barchetta VH16-202-0009 Mette (VRL-13589) - Amalia Honig VH15-217-0003 Mette (VRL-13589) - Mr. Tanner VH15-202-0029
3. 120cm, kansallinen taso (min. säkä 140cm), vt. 6 Mette (VRL-13589) - Tiger Coup VH15-006-0345 Mette (VRL-13589) - Hamlet PW VH15-011-0095 Mette (VRL-13589) - Schwarz Pfirsich PW VH15-011-0096 Mette (VRL-13589) - Eileen Bell VH15-011-0321 Mette (VRL-13589) - Nicole von Gateaway VH15-012-0431 Mette (VRL-13589) - Highway Hero Prime VH16-031-0425 Mette (VRL-13589) - Tamtrack Prime VH16-031-0426 Mette (VRL-13589) - Cyntha Yemn VH15-034-0016 Mette (VRL-13589) - Blanche Neige ABG VH15-121-0054 Mette (VRL-13589) - Trevelyan Kern VH15-202-0027
4. 130cm, kansallinen taso (min. säkä 140cm), vt. 7 Mette (VRL-13589) - Janneke Kern VH15-012-0432 Mette (VRL-13589) - Emmaline Coup VH15-021-0516 Mette (VRL-13589) - Hillamäen Brimstone VH14-029-0090 Mette (VRL-13589) - Marcus Honey VH15-031-0587 Mette (VRL-13589) - Tiana Honey VH15-031-0597 Mette (VRL-13589) - Natron Yemn VH16-090-0004 Mette (VRL-13589) - Isadora Delm VH15-202-0025 Mette (VRL-13589) - Eucarya Briony VH15-012-0379 Mette (VRL-13589) - Ocalune Yemn VH14-021-0482 Mette (VRL-13589) - Valiant Vesta VH14-031-0385
Aug 11, 2016 11:01:08 GMT
Post by Iida VRL-12244 on Aug 11, 2016 11:01:08 GMT
1. 100cm, kansallinen taso, vt. 4 Mette (VRL-13589) - Ludovicus Ion VH16-010-0019 Mette (VRL-13589) - Merete Honey VH15-010-0154 Mette (VRL-13589) - Hello Ruby Wolf VH16-011-0036 Mette (VRL-13589) - Hunajaharmonia VH15-018-1263 Mette (VRL-13589) - Hunajavilperi VH15-018-2210 Mette (VRL-13589) - Claridgen Tarina VH12-018-1207 Mette (VRL-13589) - Hunajakuva VH16-018-0424 Mette (VRL-13589) - Menuett v.d. Low VH14-029-0499 Mette (VRL-13589) - Lanzo Honey VH16-029-0014 Mette (VRL-13589) - Philophobia Hexen VH13-029-0033 Iida (VRL-12244) - Changeling YKR VH14-031-0078
2. 110cm, kansallinen taso, vt. 5 Mette (VRL-13589) - Eucarya Fear VH16-012-0056 Mette (VRL-13589) - Rajattoman Kimalle VH16-018-0070 Mette (VRL-13589) - Hunajahämmennys VH15-018-1709 Mette (VRL-13589) - Castello Honey VH15-027-0284 Mette (VRL-13589) - Diane Honey VH16-029-0013 Mette (VRL-13589) - Mr. Alberto VH15-031-0589 Mette (VRL-13589) - Teresa Honey VH15-031-0740 Mette (VRL-13589) - Maserati Barchetta VH16-202-0009 Mette (VRL-13589) - Amalia Honig VH15-217-0003 Mette (VRL-13589) - Mr. Tanner VH15-202-0029
3. 120cm, kansallinen taso (min. säkä 140cm), vt. 6 Mette (VRL-13589) - Tiger Coup VH15-006-0345 Mette (VRL-13589) - Hamlet PW VH15-011-0095 Mette (VRL-13589) - Schwarz Pfirsich PW VH15-011-0096 Mette (VRL-13589) - Eileen Bell VH15-011-0321 Mette (VRL-13589) - Nicole von Gateaway VH15-012-0431 Mette (VRL-13589) - Highway Hero Prime VH16-031-0425 Mette (VRL-13589) - Tamtrack Prime VH16-031-0426 Mette (VRL-13589) - Cyntha Yemn VH15-034-0016 Mette (VRL-13589) - Blanche Neige ABG VH15-121-0054 Mette (VRL-13589) - Trevelyan Kern VH15-202-0027
4. 130cm, kansallinen taso (min. säkä 140cm), vt. 7 Mette (VRL-13589) - Janneke Kern VH15-012-0432 Mette (VRL-13589) - Emmaline Coup VH15-021-0516 Mette (VRL-13589) - Hillamäen Brimstone VH14-029-0090 Mette (VRL-13589) - Marcus Honey VH15-031-0587 Mette (VRL-13589) - Tiana Honey VH15-031-0597 Mette (VRL-13589) - Natron Yemn VH16-090-0004 Mette (VRL-13589) - Isadora Delm VH15-202-0025 Mette (VRL-13589) - Eucarya Briony VH15-012-0379 Mette (VRL-13589) - Ocalune Yemn VH14-021-0482 Mette (VRL-13589) - Valiant Vesta VH14-031-0385
Aug 12, 2016 6:50:23 GMT
Post by Odeya on Aug 12, 2016 6:50:23 GMT
1. 100cm, kansallinen taso, vt. 4 Mette (VRL-13589) - Ludovicus Ion VH16-010-0019 Mette (VRL-13589) - Merete Honey VH15-010-0154 Mette (VRL-13589) - Hello Ruby Wolf VH16-011-0036 Mette (VRL-13589) - Hunajaharmonia VH15-018-1263 Mette (VRL-13589) - Hunajavilperi VH15-018-2210 Mette (VRL-13589) - Claridgen Tarina VH12-018-1207 Mette (VRL-13589) - Hunajakuva VH16-018-0424 Mette (VRL-13589) - Menuett v.d. Low VH14-029-0499 Mette (VRL-13589) - Lanzo Honey VH16-029-0014 Mette (VRL-13589) - Philophobia Hexen VH13-029-0033 Iida (VRL-12244) - Changeling YKR VH14-031-0078
2. 110cm, kansallinen taso, vt. 5 Mette (VRL-13589) - Eucarya Fear VH16-012-0056 Mette (VRL-13589) - Rajattoman Kimalle VH16-018-0070 Mette (VRL-13589) - Hunajahämmennys VH15-018-1709 Mette (VRL-13589) - Castello Honey VH15-027-0284 Mette (VRL-13589) - Diane Honey VH16-029-0013 Mette (VRL-13589) - Mr. Alberto VH15-031-0589 Mette (VRL-13589) - Teresa Honey VH15-031-0740 Mette (VRL-13589) - Maserati Barchetta VH16-202-0009 Mette (VRL-13589) - Amalia Honig VH15-217-0003 Mette (VRL-13589) - Mr. Tanner VH15-202-0029 Odeya (VRL-13643) - Criante VH15-021-0699 Odeya (VRL-13643) - Orphelia Winds VH15-021-0690 Odeya (VRL-13643) - Einfall Perle VH15-021-0727
3. 120cm, kansallinen taso (min. säkä 140cm), vt. 6 Mette (VRL-13589) - Tiger Coup VH15-006-0345 Mette (VRL-13589) - Hamlet PW VH15-011-0095 Mette (VRL-13589) - Schwarz Pfirsich PW VH15-011-0096 Mette (VRL-13589) - Eileen Bell VH15-011-0321 Mette (VRL-13589) - Nicole von Gateaway VH15-012-0431 Mette (VRL-13589) - Highway Hero Prime VH16-031-0425 Mette (VRL-13589) - Tamtrack Prime VH16-031-0426 Mette (VRL-13589) - Cyntha Yemn VH15-034-0016 Mette (VRL-13589) - Blanche Neige ABG VH15-121-0054 Mette (VRL-13589) - Trevelyan Kern VH15-202-0027 Odeya (VRL-13643) - Criante VH15-021-0699 Odeya (VRL-13643) - Orphelia Winds VH15-021-0690 Odeya (VRL-13643) - Einfall Perle VH15-021-0727
4. 130cm, kansallinen taso (min. säkä 140cm), vt. 7 Mette (VRL-13589) - Janneke Kern VH15-012-0432 Mette (VRL-13589) - Emmaline Coup VH15-021-0516 Mette (VRL-13589) - Hillamäen Brimstone VH14-029-0090 Mette (VRL-13589) - Marcus Honey VH15-031-0587 Mette (VRL-13589) - Tiana Honey VH15-031-0597 Mette (VRL-13589) - Natron Yemn VH16-090-0004 Mette (VRL-13589) - Isadora Delm VH15-202-0025 Mette (VRL-13589) - Eucarya Briony VH15-012-0379 Mette (VRL-13589) - Ocalune Yemn VH14-021-0482 Mette (VRL-13589) - Valiant Vesta VH14-031-0385
Aug 12, 2016 17:34:07 GMT
Post by alex. on Aug 12, 2016 17:34:07 GMT
1. 100cm, kansallinen taso, vt. 4 Mette (VRL-13589) - Ludovicus Ion VH16-010-0019 Mette (VRL-13589) - Merete Honey VH15-010-0154 Mette (VRL-13589) - Hello Ruby Wolf VH16-011-0036 Mette (VRL-13589) - Hunajaharmonia VH15-018-1263 Mette (VRL-13589) - Hunajavilperi VH15-018-2210 Mette (VRL-13589) - Claridgen Tarina VH12-018-1207 Mette (VRL-13589) - Hunajakuva VH16-018-0424 Mette (VRL-13589) - Menuett v.d. Low VH14-029-0499 Mette (VRL-13589) - Lanzo Honey VH16-029-0014 Mette (VRL-13589) - Philophobia Hexen VH13-029-0033 Iida (VRL-12244) - Changeling YKR VH14-031-0078
2. 110cm, kansallinen taso, vt. 5 Mette (VRL-13589) - Eucarya Fear VH16-012-0056 Mette (VRL-13589) - Rajattoman Kimalle VH16-018-0070 Mette (VRL-13589) - Hunajahämmennys VH15-018-1709 Mette (VRL-13589) - Castello Honey VH15-027-0284 Mette (VRL-13589) - Diane Honey VH16-029-0013 Mette (VRL-13589) - Mr. Alberto VH15-031-0589 Mette (VRL-13589) - Teresa Honey VH15-031-0740 Mette (VRL-13589) - Maserati Barchetta VH16-202-0009 Mette (VRL-13589) - Amalia Honig VH15-217-0003 Mette (VRL-13589) - Mr. Tanner VH15-202-0029 Odeya (VRL-13643) - Criante VH15-021-0699 Odeya (VRL-13643) - Orphelia Winds VH15-021-0690 Odeya (VRL-13643) - Einfall Perle VH15-021-0727 alex. (VRL-00136) - Scotspine Domino Effect VH16-031-0127 alex. (VRL-00136) - Scotspine Picture Perfect VH16-031-0004
3. 120cm, kansallinen taso (min. säkä 140cm), vt. 6 Mette (VRL-13589) - Tiger Coup VH15-006-0345 Mette (VRL-13589) - Hamlet PW VH15-011-0095 Mette (VRL-13589) - Schwarz Pfirsich PW VH15-011-0096 Mette (VRL-13589) - Eileen Bell VH15-011-0321 Mette (VRL-13589) - Nicole von Gateaway VH15-012-0431 Mette (VRL-13589) - Highway Hero Prime VH16-031-0425 Mette (VRL-13589) - Tamtrack Prime VH16-031-0426 Mette (VRL-13589) - Cyntha Yemn VH15-034-0016 Mette (VRL-13589) - Blanche Neige ABG VH15-121-0054 Mette (VRL-13589) - Trevelyan Kern VH15-202-0027 Odeya (VRL-13643) - Criante VH15-021-0699 Odeya (VRL-13643) - Orphelia Winds VH15-021-0690 Odeya (VRL-13643) - Einfall Perle VH15-021-0727 alex. (VRL-00136) - Crayon Verona VH16-031-0423 alex. (VRL-00136) - Remus v. Corbeau VH14-258-0006 alex. (VRL-00136) - Areth v. Corbeau VH14-258-0002 alex. (VRL-00136) - Crushed v. Corbeau VH14-258-0005 alex. (VRL-00136) - Scotspine Domino Effect VH16-031-0127 alex. (VRL-00136) - Scotspine Picture Perfect VH16-031-0004
4. 130cm, kansallinen taso (min. säkä 140cm), vt. 7 Mette (VRL-13589) - Janneke Kern VH15-012-0432 Mette (VRL-13589) - Emmaline Coup VH15-021-0516 Mette (VRL-13589) - Hillamäen Brimstone VH14-029-0090 Mette (VRL-13589) - Marcus Honey VH15-031-0587 Mette (VRL-13589) - Tiana Honey VH15-031-0597 Mette (VRL-13589) - Natron Yemn VH16-090-0004 Mette (VRL-13589) - Isadora Delm VH15-202-0025 Mette (VRL-13589) - Eucarya Briony VH15-012-0379 Mette (VRL-13589) - Ocalune Yemn VH14-021-0482 Mette (VRL-13589) - Valiant Vesta VH14-031-0385 alex. (VRL-00136) - Crayon Verona VH16-031-0423 alex. (VRL-00136) - Remus v. Corbeau VH14-258-0006 alex. (VRL-00136) - Areth v. Corbeau VH14-258-0002 alex. (VRL-00136) - Crushed v. Corbeau VH14-258-0005 alex. (VRL-00136) - Wincare's Adrastea VH14-011-0299 alex. (VRL-00136) - Callisto Roth VH14-021-0261 alex. (VRL-00136) - Alethia v. Corbeau VH14-031-0507
Aug 12, 2016 18:58:22 GMT
Post by KurasaOsore on Aug 12, 2016 18:58:22 GMT
1. 100cm, kansallinen taso, vt. 4 Mette (VRL-13589) - Ludovicus Ion VH16-010-0019 Mette (VRL-13589) - Merete Honey VH15-010-0154 Mette (VRL-13589) - Hello Ruby Wolf VH16-011-0036 Mette (VRL-13589) - Hunajaharmonia VH15-018-1263 Mette (VRL-13589) - Hunajavilperi VH15-018-2210 Mette (VRL-13589) - Claridgen Tarina VH12-018-1207 Mette (VRL-13589) - Hunajakuva VH16-018-0424 Mette (VRL-13589) - Menuett v.d. Low VH14-029-0499 Mette (VRL-13589) - Lanzo Honey VH16-029-0014 Mette (VRL-13589) - Philophobia Hexen VH13-029-0033 Iida (VRL-12244) - Changeling YKR VH14-031-0078 KurasaOsore (VRL-11602) - Little Faith of KO VH16-012-0234
2. 110cm, kansallinen taso, vt. 5 Mette (VRL-13589) - Eucarya Fear VH16-012-0056 Mette (VRL-13589) - Rajattoman Kimalle VH16-018-0070 Mette (VRL-13589) - Hunajahämmennys VH15-018-1709 Mette (VRL-13589) - Castello Honey VH15-027-0284 Mette (VRL-13589) - Diane Honey VH16-029-0013 Mette (VRL-13589) - Mr. Alberto VH15-031-0589 Mette (VRL-13589) - Teresa Honey VH15-031-0740 Mette (VRL-13589) - Maserati Barchetta VH16-202-0009 Mette (VRL-13589) - Amalia Honig VH15-217-0003 Mette (VRL-13589) - Mr. Tanner VH15-202-0029 Odeya (VRL-13643) - Criante VH15-021-0699 Odeya (VRL-13643) - Orphelia Winds VH15-021-0690 Odeya (VRL-13643) - Einfall Perle VH15-021-0727 alex. (VRL-00136) - Scotspine Domino Effect VH16-031-0127 alex. (VRL-00136) - Scotspine Picture Perfect VH16-031-0004 KurasaOsore (VRL-11602) - TeeR Loverboy VH13-011-0202 KurasaOsore (VRL-11602) - Hear Me Lady of KO VH16-011-0069 KurasaOsore (VRL-11602) - Joku Raja of KO VH16-018-0565 KurasaOsore (VRL-11602) - BDS Zorro VH00-031-6063 KurasaOsore (VRL-11602) - To Die For of KO VH12-040-0012 KurasaOsore (VRL-11602) - Dirck van Halt VH14-040-0083 KurasaOsore (VRL-11602) - Albertjan VH15-040-0067 KurasaOsore (VRL-11602) - Perfect Bride VH15-040-0076 KurasaOsore (VRL-11602) - Cheap Thrills of KO VH16-040-0017 KurasaOsore (VRL-11602) - Gaoth VH16-046-0019
3. 120cm, kansallinen taso (min. säkä 140cm), vt. 6 Mette (VRL-13589) - Tiger Coup VH15-006-0345 Mette (VRL-13589) - Hamlet PW VH15-011-0095 Mette (VRL-13589) - Schwarz Pfirsich PW VH15-011-0096 Mette (VRL-13589) - Eileen Bell VH15-011-0321 Mette (VRL-13589) - Nicole von Gateaway VH15-012-0431 Mette (VRL-13589) - Highway Hero Prime VH16-031-0425 Mette (VRL-13589) - Tamtrack Prime VH16-031-0426 Mette (VRL-13589) - Cyntha Yemn VH15-034-0016 Mette (VRL-13589) - Blanche Neige ABG VH15-121-0054 Mette (VRL-13589) - Trevelyan Kern VH15-202-0027 Odeya (VRL-13643) - Criante VH15-021-0699 Odeya (VRL-13643) - Orphelia Winds VH15-021-0690 Odeya (VRL-13643) - Einfall Perle VH15-021-0727 alex. (VRL-00136) - Crayon Verona VH16-031-0423 alex. (VRL-00136) - Remus v. Corbeau VH14-258-0006 alex. (VRL-00136) - Areth v. Corbeau VH14-258-0002 alex. (VRL-00136) - Crushed v. Corbeau VH14-258-0005 alex. (VRL-00136) - Scotspine Domino Effect VH16-031-0127 alex. (VRL-00136) - Scotspine Picture Perfect VH16-031-0004 KurasaOsore (VRL-11602) - TeeR Oberon II VH13-012-0074 KurasaOsore (VRL-11602) - TeeR Over Normal VH13-012-0007 KurasaOsore (VRL-11602) - PKT Speed O Mine VH06-021-1626 KurasaOsore (VRL-11602) - People Marching of KO VH12-031-0269 KurasaOsore (VRL-11602) - River go Down of KO VH12-033-0007 KurasaOsore (VRL-11602) - Teerirannan One Shot VH12-035-0267 KurasaOsore (VRL-11602) - Lehetsz Király of KO VH12-040-0008 KurasaOsore (VRL-11602) - TeeR Loverboy VH13-011-0202 KurasaOsore (VRL-11602) - Hear Me Lady of KO VH16-011-0069 KurasaOsore (VRL-11602) - Joku Raja of KO VH16-018-0565
4. 130cm, kansallinen taso (min. säkä 140cm), vt. 7 Mette (VRL-13589) - Janneke Kern VH15-012-0432 Mette (VRL-13589) - Emmaline Coup VH15-021-0516 Mette (VRL-13589) - Hillamäen Brimstone VH14-029-0090 Mette (VRL-13589) - Marcus Honey VH15-031-0587 Mette (VRL-13589) - Tiana Honey VH15-031-0597 Mette (VRL-13589) - Natron Yemn VH16-090-0004 Mette (VRL-13589) - Isadora Delm VH15-202-0025 Mette (VRL-13589) - Eucarya Briony VH15-012-0379 Mette (VRL-13589) - Ocalune Yemn VH14-021-0482 Mette (VRL-13589) - Valiant Vesta VH14-031-0385 alex. (VRL-00136) - Crayon Verona VH16-031-0423 alex. (VRL-00136) - Remus v. Corbeau VH14-258-0006 alex. (VRL-00136) - Areth v. Corbeau VH14-258-0002 alex. (VRL-00136) - Crushed v. Corbeau VH14-258-0005 alex. (VRL-00136) - Wincare's Adrastea VH14-011-0299 alex. (VRL-00136) - Callisto Roth VH14-021-0261 alex. (VRL-00136) - Alethia v. Corbeau VH14-031-0507 KurasaOsore (VRL-11602) - Try More of KO VH16-011-0068 KurasaOsore (VRL-11602) - TeeR Eloise II VH13-011-0016 KurasaOsore (VRL-11602) - More Sizes of KO VH16-011-0077 KurasaOsore (VRL-11602) - TeeR Another Oberon VH13-012-0086 KurasaOsore (VRL-11602) - FV Antique View VH12-012-0140 KurasaOsore (VRL-11602) - TeeR Armandia II VH13-012-0073 KurasaOsore (VRL-11602) - Lost Bling VH16-012-0083 KurasaOsore (VRL-11602) - Dubstep Omen VH12-013-0079 KurasaOsore (VRL-11602) - February Steeds VH11-021-0216 KurasaOsore (VRL-11602) - Cry My Dear of KO VH12-021-0228
Milja H. (VRL-10674)
Aug 12, 2016 19:55:06 GMT
Post by Milja H. (VRL-10674) on Aug 12, 2016 19:55:06 GMT
1. 100cm, kansallinen taso, vt. 4 Mette (VRL-13589) - Ludovicus Ion VH16-010-0019 Mette (VRL-13589) - Merete Honey VH15-010-0154 Mette (VRL-13589) - Hello Ruby Wolf VH16-011-0036 Mette (VRL-13589) - Hunajaharmonia VH15-018-1263 Mette (VRL-13589) - Hunajavilperi VH15-018-2210 Mette (VRL-13589) - Claridgen Tarina VH12-018-1207 Mette (VRL-13589) - Hunajakuva VH16-018-0424 Mette (VRL-13589) - Menuett v.d. Low VH14-029-0499 Mette (VRL-13589) - Lanzo Honey VH16-029-0014 Mette (VRL-13589) - Philophobia Hexen VH13-029-0033 Iida (VRL-12244) - Changeling YKR VH14-031-0078 KurasaOsore (VRL-11602) - Little Faith of KO VH16-012-0234 Milja H. (VRL-10674) - Vincent RGE VH16-012-0042 Milja H. (VRL-10674) - Cresselia RGE VH16-012-0046 Milja H. (VRL-10674) - Wyrda Cocoday VH16-012-0102
2. 110cm, kansallinen taso, vt. 5 Mette (VRL-13589) - Eucarya Fear VH16-012-0056 Mette (VRL-13589) - Rajattoman Kimalle VH16-018-0070 Mette (VRL-13589) - Hunajahämmennys VH15-018-1709 Mette (VRL-13589) - Castello Honey VH15-027-0284 Mette (VRL-13589) - Diane Honey VH16-029-0013 Mette (VRL-13589) - Mr. Alberto VH15-031-0589 Mette (VRL-13589) - Teresa Honey VH15-031-0740 Mette (VRL-13589) - Maserati Barchetta VH16-202-0009 Mette (VRL-13589) - Amalia Honig VH15-217-0003 Mette (VRL-13589) - Mr. Tanner VH15-202-0029 Odeya (VRL-13643) - Criante VH15-021-0699 Odeya (VRL-13643) - Orphelia Winds VH15-021-0690 Odeya (VRL-13643) - Einfall Perle VH15-021-0727 alex. (VRL-00136) - Scotspine Domino Effect VH16-031-0127 alex. (VRL-00136) - Scotspine Picture Perfect VH16-031-0004 KurasaOsore (VRL-11602) - TeeR Loverboy VH13-011-0202 KurasaOsore (VRL-11602) - Hear Me Lady of KO VH16-011-0069 KurasaOsore (VRL-11602) - Joku Raja of KO VH16-018-0565 KurasaOsore (VRL-11602) - BDS Zorro VH00-031-6063 KurasaOsore (VRL-11602) - To Die For of KO VH12-040-0012 KurasaOsore (VRL-11602) - Dirck van Halt VH14-040-0083 KurasaOsore (VRL-11602) - Albertjan VH15-040-0067 KurasaOsore (VRL-11602) - Perfect Bride VH15-040-0076 KurasaOsore (VRL-11602) - Cheap Thrills of KO VH16-040-0017 KurasaOsore (VRL-11602) - Gaoth VH16-046-0019
3. 120cm, kansallinen taso (min. säkä 140cm), vt. 6 Mette (VRL-13589) - Tiger Coup VH15-006-0345 Mette (VRL-13589) - Hamlet PW VH15-011-0095 Mette (VRL-13589) - Schwarz Pfirsich PW VH15-011-0096 Mette (VRL-13589) - Eileen Bell VH15-011-0321 Mette (VRL-13589) - Nicole von Gateaway VH15-012-0431 Mette (VRL-13589) - Highway Hero Prime VH16-031-0425 Mette (VRL-13589) - Tamtrack Prime VH16-031-0426 Mette (VRL-13589) - Cyntha Yemn VH15-034-0016 Mette (VRL-13589) - Blanche Neige ABG VH15-121-0054 Mette (VRL-13589) - Trevelyan Kern VH15-202-0027 Odeya (VRL-13643) - Criante VH15-021-0699 Odeya (VRL-13643) - Orphelia Winds VH15-021-0690 Odeya (VRL-13643) - Einfall Perle VH15-021-0727 alex. (VRL-00136) - Crayon Verona VH16-031-0423 alex. (VRL-00136) - Remus v. Corbeau VH14-258-0006 alex. (VRL-00136) - Areth v. Corbeau VH14-258-0002 alex. (VRL-00136) - Crushed v. Corbeau VH14-258-0005 alex. (VRL-00136) - Scotspine Domino Effect VH16-031-0127 alex. (VRL-00136) - Scotspine Picture Perfect VH16-031-0004 KurasaOsore (VRL-11602) - TeeR Oberon II VH13-012-0074 KurasaOsore (VRL-11602) - TeeR Over Normal VH13-012-0007 KurasaOsore (VRL-11602) - PKT Speed O Mine VH06-021-1626 KurasaOsore (VRL-11602) - People Marching of KO VH12-031-0269 KurasaOsore (VRL-11602) - River go Down of KO VH12-033-0007 KurasaOsore (VRL-11602) - Teerirannan One Shot VH12-035-0267 KurasaOsore (VRL-11602) - Lehetsz Király of KO VH12-040-0008 KurasaOsore (VRL-11602) - TeeR Loverboy VH13-011-0202 KurasaOsore (VRL-11602) - Hear Me Lady of KO VH16-011-0069 KurasaOsore (VRL-11602) - Joku Raja of KO VH16-018-0565 Milja H. (VRL-10674) - Vanillekipferl Nim VH15-029-0633 Milja H. (VRL-10674) - Wyrda Torchell VH15-031-0454 Milja H. (VRL-10674) - Serellenders Reality VH15-031-1311
4. 130cm, kansallinen taso (min. säkä 140cm), vt. 7 Mette (VRL-13589) - Janneke Kern VH15-012-0432 Mette (VRL-13589) - Emmaline Coup VH15-021-0516 Mette (VRL-13589) - Hillamäen Brimstone VH14-029-0090 Mette (VRL-13589) - Marcus Honey VH15-031-0587 Mette (VRL-13589) - Tiana Honey VH15-031-0597 Mette (VRL-13589) - Natron Yemn VH16-090-0004 Mette (VRL-13589) - Isadora Delm VH15-202-0025 Mette (VRL-13589) - Eucarya Briony VH15-012-0379 Mette (VRL-13589) - Ocalune Yemn VH14-021-0482 Mette (VRL-13589) - Valiant Vesta VH14-031-0385 alex. (VRL-00136) - Crayon Verona VH16-031-0423 alex. (VRL-00136) - Remus v. Corbeau VH14-258-0006 alex. (VRL-00136) - Areth v. Corbeau VH14-258-0002 alex. (VRL-00136) - Crushed v. Corbeau VH14-258-0005 alex. (VRL-00136) - Wincare's Adrastea VH14-011-0299 alex. (VRL-00136) - Callisto Roth VH14-021-0261 alex. (VRL-00136) - Alethia v. Corbeau VH14-031-0507 KurasaOsore (VRL-11602) - Try More of KO VH16-011-0068 KurasaOsore (VRL-11602) - TeeR Eloise II VH13-011-0016 KurasaOsore (VRL-11602) - More Sizes of KO VH16-011-0077 KurasaOsore (VRL-11602) - TeeR Another Oberon VH13-012-0086 KurasaOsore (VRL-11602) - FV Antique View VH12-012-0140 KurasaOsore (VRL-11602) - TeeR Armandia II VH13-012-0073 KurasaOsore (VRL-11602) - Lost Bling VH16-012-0083 KurasaOsore (VRL-11602) - Dubstep Omen VH12-013-0079 KurasaOsore (VRL-11602) - February Steeds VH11-021-0216 KurasaOsore (VRL-11602) - Cry My Dear of KO VH12-021-0228 Milja H. (VRL-10674) - Valiant Cimber VH15-031-0721 Milja H. (VRL-10674) - Nevarra Coco VH15-031-1113 Milja H. (VRL-10674) - Valiant Vintage Fashion VH15-031-0852
Aug 12, 2016 20:25:15 GMT
Post by MeeriN. on Aug 12, 2016 20:25:15 GMT
1. 100cm, kansallinen taso, vt. 4 Mette (VRL-13589) - Ludovicus Ion VH16-010-0019 Mette (VRL-13589) - Merete Honey VH15-010-0154 Mette (VRL-13589) - Hello Ruby Wolf VH16-011-0036 Mette (VRL-13589) - Hunajaharmonia VH15-018-1263 Mette (VRL-13589) - Hunajavilperi VH15-018-2210 Mette (VRL-13589) - Claridgen Tarina VH12-018-1207 Mette (VRL-13589) - Hunajakuva VH16-018-0424 Mette (VRL-13589) - Menuett v.d. Low VH14-029-0499 Mette (VRL-13589) - Lanzo Honey VH16-029-0014 Mette (VRL-13589) - Philophobia Hexen VH13-029-0033 Iida (VRL-12244) - Changeling YKR VH14-031-0078 KurasaOsore (VRL-11602) - Little Faith of KO VH16-012-0234 Milja H. (VRL-10674) - Vincent RGE VH16-012-0042 Milja H. (VRL-10674) - Cresselia RGE VH16-012-0046 Milja H. (VRL-10674) - Wyrda Cocoday VH16-012-0102 Meeri N. (VRL-02160) - Snillin Vesseli VH15-018-1402 Meeri N. (VRL-02160) - Snillin Hassu VH15-018-1401 Meeri N. (VRL-02160) - Snillin Heljä VH16-018-1026 Meeri N. (VRL-02160) - Cranberry Snilli VH16-029-0125 Meeri N. (VRL-02160) - Acrobat Snilli VH16-031-0326
2. 110cm, kansallinen taso, vt. 5 Mette (VRL-13589) - Eucarya Fear VH16-012-0056 Mette (VRL-13589) - Rajattoman Kimalle VH16-018-0070 Mette (VRL-13589) - Hunajahämmennys VH15-018-1709 Mette (VRL-13589) - Castello Honey VH15-027-0284 Mette (VRL-13589) - Diane Honey VH16-029-0013 Mette (VRL-13589) - Mr. Alberto VH15-031-0589 Mette (VRL-13589) - Teresa Honey VH15-031-0740 Mette (VRL-13589) - Maserati Barchetta VH16-202-0009 Mette (VRL-13589) - Amalia Honig VH15-217-0003 Mette (VRL-13589) - Mr. Tanner VH15-202-0029 Odeya (VRL-13643) - Criante VH15-021-0699 Odeya (VRL-13643) - Orphelia Winds VH15-021-0690 Odeya (VRL-13643) - Einfall Perle VH15-021-0727 alex. (VRL-00136) - Scotspine Domino Effect VH16-031-0127 alex. (VRL-00136) - Scotspine Picture Perfect VH16-031-0004 KurasaOsore (VRL-11602) - TeeR Loverboy VH13-011-0202 KurasaOsore (VRL-11602) - Hear Me Lady of KO VH16-011-0069 KurasaOsore (VRL-11602) - Joku Raja of KO VH16-018-0565 KurasaOsore (VRL-11602) - BDS Zorro VH00-031-6063 KurasaOsore (VRL-11602) - To Die For of KO VH12-040-0012 KurasaOsore (VRL-11602) - Dirck van Halt VH14-040-0083 KurasaOsore (VRL-11602) - Albertjan VH15-040-0067 KurasaOsore (VRL-11602) - Perfect Bride VH15-040-0076 KurasaOsore (VRL-11602) - Cheap Thrills of KO VH16-040-0017 KurasaOsore (VRL-11602) - Gaoth VH16-046-0019 Meeri N. (VRL-02160) - Moon Bilehile VH14-018-0142 Meeri N. (VRL-02160) - Fauxhawk Snilli VH16-031-0169 Meeri N. (VRL-02160) - Spiderman Snilli VH16-031-0317
3. 120cm, kansallinen taso (min. säkä 140cm), vt. 6 Mette (VRL-13589) - Tiger Coup VH15-006-0345 Mette (VRL-13589) - Hamlet PW VH15-011-0095 Mette (VRL-13589) - Schwarz Pfirsich PW VH15-011-0096 Mette (VRL-13589) - Eileen Bell VH15-011-0321 Mette (VRL-13589) - Nicole von Gateaway VH15-012-0431 Mette (VRL-13589) - Highway Hero Prime VH16-031-0425 Mette (VRL-13589) - Tamtrack Prime VH16-031-0426 Mette (VRL-13589) - Cyntha Yemn VH15-034-0016 Mette (VRL-13589) - Blanche Neige ABG VH15-121-0054 Mette (VRL-13589) - Trevelyan Kern VH15-202-0027 Odeya (VRL-13643) - Criante VH15-021-0699 Odeya (VRL-13643) - Orphelia Winds VH15-021-0690 Odeya (VRL-13643) - Einfall Perle VH15-021-0727 alex. (VRL-00136) - Crayon Verona VH16-031-0423 alex. (VRL-00136) - Remus v. Corbeau VH14-258-0006 alex. (VRL-00136) - Areth v. Corbeau VH14-258-0002 alex. (VRL-00136) - Crushed v. Corbeau VH14-258-0005 alex. (VRL-00136) - Scotspine Domino Effect VH16-031-0127 alex. (VRL-00136) - Scotspine Picture Perfect VH16-031-0004 KurasaOsore (VRL-11602) - TeeR Oberon II VH13-012-0074 KurasaOsore (VRL-11602) - TeeR Over Normal VH13-012-0007 KurasaOsore (VRL-11602) - PKT Speed O Mine VH06-021-1626 KurasaOsore (VRL-11602) - People Marching of KO VH12-031-0269 KurasaOsore (VRL-11602) - River go Down of KO VH12-033-0007 KurasaOsore (VRL-11602) - Teerirannan One Shot VH12-035-0267 KurasaOsore (VRL-11602) - Lehetsz Király of KO VH12-040-0008 KurasaOsore (VRL-11602) - TeeR Loverboy VH13-011-0202 KurasaOsore (VRL-11602) - Hear Me Lady of KO VH16-011-0069 KurasaOsore (VRL-11602) - Joku Raja of KO VH16-018-0565 Milja H. (VRL-10674) - Vanillekipferl Nim VH15-029-0633 Milja H. (VRL-10674) - Wyrda Torchell VH15-031-0454 Milja H. (VRL-10674) - Serellenders Reality VH15-031-1311
4. 130cm, kansallinen taso (min. säkä 140cm), vt. 7 Mette (VRL-13589) - Janneke Kern VH15-012-0432 Mette (VRL-13589) - Emmaline Coup VH15-021-0516 Mette (VRL-13589) - Hillamäen Brimstone VH14-029-0090 Mette (VRL-13589) - Marcus Honey VH15-031-0587 Mette (VRL-13589) - Tiana Honey VH15-031-0597 Mette (VRL-13589) - Natron Yemn VH16-090-0004 Mette (VRL-13589) - Isadora Delm VH15-202-0025 Mette (VRL-13589) - Eucarya Briony VH15-012-0379 Mette (VRL-13589) - Ocalune Yemn VH14-021-0482 Mette (VRL-13589) - Valiant Vesta VH14-031-0385 alex. (VRL-00136) - Crayon Verona VH16-031-0423 alex. (VRL-00136) - Remus v. Corbeau VH14-258-0006 alex. (VRL-00136) - Areth v. Corbeau VH14-258-0002 alex. (VRL-00136) - Crushed v. Corbeau VH14-258-0005 alex. (VRL-00136) - Wincare's Adrastea VH14-011-0299 alex. (VRL-00136) - Callisto Roth VH14-021-0261 alex. (VRL-00136) - Alethia v. Corbeau VH14-031-0507 KurasaOsore (VRL-11602) - Try More of KO VH16-011-0068 KurasaOsore (VRL-11602) - TeeR Eloise II VH13-011-0016 KurasaOsore (VRL-11602) - More Sizes of KO VH16-011-0077 KurasaOsore (VRL-11602) - TeeR Another Oberon VH13-012-0086 KurasaOsore (VRL-11602) - FV Antique View VH12-012-0140 KurasaOsore (VRL-11602) - TeeR Armandia II VH13-012-0073 KurasaOsore (VRL-11602) - Lost Bling VH16-012-0083 KurasaOsore (VRL-11602) - Dubstep Omen VH12-013-0079 KurasaOsore (VRL-11602) - February Steeds VH11-021-0216 KurasaOsore (VRL-11602) - Cry My Dear of KO VH12-021-0228 Milja H. (VRL-10674) - Valiant Cimber VH15-031-0721 Milja H. (VRL-10674) - Nevarra Coco VH15-031-1113 Milja H. (VRL-10674) - Valiant Vintage Fashion VH15-031-0852 Meeri N. (VRL-02160) - Jackpot Snilli VH15-031-1135